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California Mathematics Council Community Colleges

California Mathematics Council Community Colleges

California Mathematics Council Community Colleges

2019 Spring Conference in South Lake Tahoe, Apr 26-27

The 23rd Annual Spring Conference was held in South Lake Tahoe April 26-27, 2019 at Lake Tahoe Community College.

Friday Keynote Speaker: Dr. Naoki Saito, UC Davis
Two Excursions Around Laplacians

Dr. Naoki Saito

I will take you to two excursions around Laplacians, ubiquitous operators in mathematics, and their applications. The first excursion will show how the Laplace operator in rectangular domains in R^2 helps image compression such as the JPEG. The second excursion is to introduce the wonderful world of graphs and show what the Laplacians on graphs can do for many applications while paying attention to some dangerous slips.

Saturday Keynote Speaker: Terry Krieger, Rochester Community and Technical College
The Funny Thing About Math

Terry Krieger

This entertaining presentation takes a look at mathematical oddities, curious results, and humorous anecdotes that have been collected from books, friends, students, and colleagues over the past 30 years. The topics come from courses taught at the university, community college, and high school levels. Several topics are unique to my teaching experience and will not be universally known. Old and new technology, including Python code with documentation, will be used to analyze and solve some curious problems. While the presentation is intended to be entertaining, there are plenty of useful mathematical ideas presented throughout. Math stories will be shared that are often amazing, sometimes confounding, and many times just plain ridiculous.

Student Speaker: Nathanael Case, San Joaquin Delta College
How the Euler-Lagrange Condition of Variational Calculus Comes From Multi-Variable Calculus

Various problems involve maximizing/minimizing an integral between two fixed points. This can be done with the Euler-Lagrange equation. The E-L equation can be derived by analogy with directional-derivatives in a way that may be accessible to advanced community college students. The result is important in physics.

Schedule of the Saturday Concurrent Sessions

Room/Session Session 1
9:00 am - 10:00 am
Session 2
10:30 am - 11:30 am
Session 3
2:30 pm - 3:30 pm
Session 4
4:00 pm - 5:00 pm
Modular Knots With Optimization
Carlo Séquin
UC Berkeley
Mathematical Proof
Todd CadwalladerOlsker
CSU Fullerton
Combinatorics and Poker
Deborah Frank
College of Southern Nevada
Charles Dodgson
Stan Isacs and Stuart Moskowitz
College of San Mateo and Humboldt State University
Indian Mathematics and Contributions
Dean Gooch
Santa Rosa Junior College
Power Spectral Numbers
Walter Kehowski
Glendale Community College
The Pancake and Ham Sandwich Theorems
Charles Barnett
Las Positas College (retired)
The Dept. of Lower Mathematics
Rick Luttmann
Sonoma State University
Math Competition Problems
Scott Annin and Steven Davis
CSU Fullerton and Fullerton College
The Caliri Circles
David Caliri
Caliri Circles
No Session

No Session

Future CMC3 Conferences

Information about future conferences is available.